he Tower In Genesis 10, we read the Tables of Nations and discover 70 nations that were scattered after the confusion in chapter 11. All the humans who settled the earth after the Flood descended from Noah’s 3 sons. The people were trying to make a name for themselves by building a great city with a tower that stretched into the heavens. The aim was to make a name for themselves. In this one part message, Pastor Tim shares how we exist for the name and fame of one person - Jesus Christ. Located on the Treasure Coast of Florida, Discovery Church is an ever-growing yet intimate community of Christian believers. At Discovery, you'll experience passionate, dynamic worship, and relevant bible-based teaching from our humble music team and one of our pastors. At Discovery, we're also passionate about reflecting God's love and hope out to our local community and the world around us. We are thankful to God for the variety of outreach opportunities and ministries to be His hands and feet in this lost, dark world. Please enjoy our web-sermon and, better yet, join us in person on Sunday. You'll be glad you did! We're located at 4441 S. 25th St. Fort Pierce, FL 34981, and gather on Sunday’s at 10:00AM. Discovery Church Leading people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus. wearediscovery.com —— Stay Connected Discovery Church Youtube: www.youtube.com/discoverychurchlive Discovery Church Facebook: www.facebook.com/discoverychurchlive Discovery Church Instagram: www.instagram.com/discoverychurchlive Pastor Tim O’Carroll Facebook: www.facebook.com/timocarroll Pastor Tim O’Carroll Instagram: www.instagram.com/timocarroll —— #wearediscovery #discoverychurch #fullydevoted #youareloved #treasurecoast #psl #fortpierce #thetower #towerofbabel #jesus